Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ok I lied.

Alright, I DID say that I would update in a “day or two”. I was sloppy and put it off to the point that I didn’t feel like doing it anymore. But now that I have a sliver of time (ok, more like a chunk on a Friday night), it is time for me to start finishing what I intended with this blog. Personally I feel that summer was a long time ago now (I know, it wouldn’t have been if I had updated like I was supposed to) and almost irrelevant to what is happening now. But I know that there are a good number of people out there who are interested in what I did this summer, so I will write and do what I promised.

My adventure started May 5th In the Year of Our Lord, 2007. That was the day that school got out and summer started. I was able to get a ride with a really nice girl and her friend-who-is-a-boy down to the Tampa-ish area of Florida, where my aunt Rachael picked me up and took me to her house. I stayed there for the rest of May with her family there in Florida helping in my uncle's church and my aunt with her business [] until I flew to Alaska the 5th of June (They say when you marry in June . . .). That was a relatively uneventful trip. I had a short layover in Salt Lake City (I was born there, not that I remember anything of the place but it was pretty cool) and had lunch:

After Salt Lake, my plane flew us to Anchorage, AK, where I spent the night. Anchorage Airport (I forget the real name, is one of the neatest airports I have been in, very Alaska If that makes any sense.

June 6th Anno Domini 2007,

I flew off to Kenai (That is in the a little south and a little more west of Anchorage)

The white line is about 65 miles.

And there I was picked up with the family that I stayed with. They were (I am sure that they still are) some of the nicest people that I have ever met. I stayed there for a few days before I went down with one of the family members who would be fishing with me on the boat. His name is Jed.

And that would be the first part of my trip. I should get the next part up in a few days. But to all of the readers of this blog, thanks for everything! *thumbsup*

~Jeremiah Petersen

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Really, Really Long Epilogue. Sort of.

Hello. Yes I am aware that this update is overdue but be assured that you will be told of the great adventures of the Freshman (now Sophomore) Fisherman (OK, they really weren’t that great). Just for the record I am back at school at good ol’ Bob Jones University and as such cannot access Blogger on campus (un-moderated content and all that stuff). So I am sending this post to my dad or my brother, as the case may be, so a big shout out to them. *thumbs up*

I hope to have a real update in a few days, hopefully by later today, but I don’t know yet for sure, Rush here starts today. Rush for the record is when all of the societies (e.g. Zeta Alpha Pi, Epsilon Zeta Chi, Pi Kappa, Sigma Theta Chi etc.)(Kind of like fraternities at secular schools, only a little less debauched. Generally) try to get the freshmen to join their society. It is pretty wild to be honest. But anyway, I should get things up, if not tomorrow, within the next day or so.

--The Not So Fishy Anymore Fisherman,

Jeremiah “Sid, Romeo, Napoleon, Big J” Petersen